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The environmental situation is getting worse and worse every year. Accordingly, the level of air pollution is growing (especially in large towns) and is currently high enough to affect the deterioration of health and even cause various diseases. If the street itself does not help (few people dare to walk around the city in cotton-gauze bandage), the house can create a sufficiently secure environment. To do this, you need to purchase an air purifier. And, given the current state of the atmosphere, it will need not only allergies and for people suffering from asthma.

In addition to industrial pollution in the air contains dust particles of chemicals used for cleaning apartments, animal dander, pathogens. The faster of all this will be cleared the air of your home, the better. According to experts, for the effective cleaning of the device must pass through itself all of the air at least three times per hour. And if there are smokers in the house, or people who suffer from allergies - it is better to air is cleaned more often.

what is the best air purifier

When choosing a cleaner should be guided, first and foremost, an area of ​​the premises, which will be the instrument. Moreover, a cleaner must be sufficiently soft and must have a mechanical filter, because in its absence, the service life of the main filter is significantly reduced.

Air purifiers vary in the basic filter type. You can select:

1. Carbon filters in which air purification using activated carbon. Carbon filters remove most types of pollution, but they have to be changed frequently, which is a significant drawback.

2. ionizing electrostatic filters or which charge dust particles and other positive ions, after which they adhere to negatively charged filter plates. These filters provide very high-quality treatment. In addition, they can personally cleaned without damaging the device.

3. Filter or HEPA UPLA, which allow to purify the air with an efficiency of 99%. But they are quite expensive, and are recommended primarily for people with allergies.

4. Photocatalytic filters, whose operation is based on the decomposition of different pollutants to harmless for human connections. Photocatalytic filters are easy to cope with cigarette smoke.

 5. Water filters that purify the air of most kinds of pollution, and very rarely break down. The water filter all dirt flows into a special cell that needs to be changed occasionally. In addition to air purifiers, water filters used in vacuum cleaners Rainbow brand. The dust of all sizes, falling into water filter, wet, heavier and remains in the flask, and the collected dirt after cleaning poured down the drain and leave your house forever. Wet dust can not fly, so out goes only clean, fresh, humidified air. The presence of a water filter in the Rainbow allows you to provide perfect cleanliness of the house, it eliminates the need to carry out a conventional wet cleaning, and may even replace the air cleaners and humidifiers.

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